Don't let someone take your Child. Give them the skills to Stay Safe.

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Stranger Awareness Program

Child Abduction is on the Increase and we can help to keep your Children Safe!

Teaching parents and children how to deal with strangers is essential for two reasons. First, to give children and parents good skills to prevent abduction. Second, to address the anxiety created for parents and children alike at the thought of stranger abduction.

Stranger Awareness programs have been taught for decades. Still, all the evidence shows that children go willingly with strangers. Why? Because children don't hear what adults think they are saying.

Reducing children's vulnerability requires that parents and children have basic information about stranger offenders and how they behave. It includes understanding what children believe about strangers and how that makes them more vulnerable.

Our Stranger Awareness Program includes:-

Sessions Can includes

•Types of strangers (Click here for details)
•Preventative measures
•Breakaway techniques
•Reporting incidents

Book a Free
20 minute Assembly Talk
or PE Session Today

We will Call you straight back to arrange a free general assembly talk. Here you can observe us doing what we do best, and decide on how you would like to work with Master E Youth Training in the future.

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